WISD SHAC Student Health Advisory Council

SHAC Mission

The Warren Independent School District School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) was established by the Board of Trustees to assist the district in meeting its strategic objectives to provide healthy school environments for students, staff and community members and to teach and promote wellness through healthy lifestyles. The School Health Advisory Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees.

A School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is a school board appointed advisory group of individuals who represent different segments of the community. By law, a majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. The WISD SHAC is made up of parents, community members and district employees working together to improve the health of all students and families through coordinated school health programs.

Why do we need SHACs?

According to TEA, SHACs are needed to combat student health risk behaviors; such as:

  • Poor food choices and inappropriate portion sizes

  • Bullying

  • Tobacco use

  • Alcohol and drug use

  • Unintended pregnancy

  • Sexual behaviors that can transmit HIV and other STDs

  • Intentional and unintentional injuries, often due to violence

SHAC Purpose

  • To advise WISD staff and administration on text programs for health and science.

  • To advise WISD on the selection of curriculum for health, physical education and science.

  • Discuss and review drug, alcohol, tobacco, and violence prevention curriculum for WISD.

  • Discuss and review nutritional value of meals served at WISD.

Senate Bill 19 Requirements

  • Authorizes the State Board of Education to adopt rules mandating daily physical activity for students in grades K-6. The SBOE has since adopted a rule which requires daily physical activity.

  • Requires every school system to 1) have a School Health Advisory Council, 2) more clearly defines membership, and 3) broadens the scope of the council’s responsibilities to all school health issues.

  • Directs the Texas Education Agency to make available a coordinate school health curriculum and requires every school system to be trained in its implementation by 2007.

Outside Coordinated School Health Information

BDF Legal

SHAC Document Folder

SHAC Meeting Agenda Topics

SHAC Guide

Searching for providers of essential public health services?

We are located in the Texas Public Health Region 4/5 North. Call ahead to find out the services each office offers. Click the linked text to find your ideal location, along with the coordination contact information.

Searching for the local mental health authority?

2001 S. Medford Drive
Lufkin, TX 75905
Crisis phone: 800-392-8343
Main phone: 936-639-1141
Website: myburke.org

For a comprehensive list of counseling services at each campus, click here.

For information on health services at each campus, click here.

Physical Activity Environment Standards

Local Wellness Policy Requirements