Our FFA has been on a ROLL! 

For starters, the Warren FFA Forestry Team completed an incredible 2023 season!  In the Spring of 2023, the team earned first place at the McGee Bend District competition, and proceeded to keep that going. Eventually winning first place at the Area IX CDE Forestry competition and then winning first place for the entire State of Texas in Forestry! Recently the team traveled to the 96th National FFA convention, where team members  Andrew Craig, Hunt Reid, Trenton Tillman, and Colton Taylor, with Advisor Rex Currie, earned 10th in the entire Nation. This accomplishment truly speaks to the students' commitment and Mr. Currie's ability to lead and educate. The Warren community is incredibly proud! 

Forestry FFA

In more competition news, Warren FFA is sending SEVEN teams on to Area LDE competition and secured 2ND PLACE in the SWEEPSTAKES competition. Way to continue the winning tradition Warriors!

Also of note, the Warren FFA Chapter celebrated its 88th "birthday"! Since 1935, Warren FFA has been striving to change the lives of students and educate the future of agriculture. The program has grown stronger and will continue to grow in the future!