
This is Keith Collins, Principal at Warren High School, with an important attendance announcement.  At Warren High School we value attendance.  The correlation between attendance rate and academic performance and growth is positive and significant.  As such, we are offering incentives to encourage students to attend regularly. Here's a summary of the attendance incentives mentioned in the Principal's Academic Report:

Daily Incentive: A grade level with perfect attendance for the day will receive an ice cream treat. This promotes teamwork and attendance across all classes within a particular grade level.

Weekly Incentive: Individual classes in our 2nd period with perfect attendance for a 14 day period will receive a popcorn party. This incentive encourages individual classes to ensure that all their students are present.

Monthly Incentive: If a grade level achieves an attendance rate of 96.5% or greater for the month, they will be awarded with a pizza party. This encourages consistent attendance throughout the month, as well as some healthy competition among the grade levels.

Individual Perfect Attendance Incentive: If a student earns perfect attendance for an entire 9 week period, the student will be recognized by the campus, earn an extra draw in the Warrior Drawings and snack of their choosing.

These incentives serve as positive motivators for students to attend school regularly, thereby improving their academic performance and fostering a strong sense of community and pride within the school.  I hope everyone has a magnificent Monday and a wonderful week!